Should I wait around Kofu Station at a bench or get a room in a nearby hotel?
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Should I wait around Kofu Station at a bench or get a room in a nearby hotel?

by Edgardo

Hello Gary,

I read your homepage from time to time and it's awesome. I wanted to consult you in reference to the following: It seems to me that you have waited/stayed at Kofu-eki area before catching the bus to Hirogawara trailhead.

I will be arriving at kofu-eki around 8-11pm from Okayama. It's quite expensive this trip for me so I want to check whether I should wait around the station at a bench or get a room in a nearby hotel.

Thanks in advance.

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Aug 11, 2013
Perhaps this route map will assist you.
by: Gary Wolff

Edgardo, it's been a remarkable 17 years since I did that
Ai-no-dake/Shiomi-dake route, so I don't recall it so clearly (I also did it in the opposite direction), but perhaps this route map which is embedded on my Aino/Shiomi page
( will
assist you with your navigating.

Be careful up there. There was a big accident on Monday in the Chuo
Alps in case you haven't already heard:

Best wishes....


Aug 11, 2013
I'm a bit confused about the 2 roads from Sanpuku Togegoya.
by: Edgardo

Hello Gary,

Thanks for your quick and thorough reply. I'm planning a 4 day/3 night trip in the south alps ( kitadake-ainodake-shiomidake). I will stay in the mountain huts since I can't carry a heavy backpack.

I'm departing next Wednesday evening. I guess it's safe to wait for the first bus in the morning; I might sleep on a bench while waiting.

Gary, I will finish my hike at torikurarindo tosanguchi where I will catch the bus to JR inaoshima eki. You have shiokawa Goya at the end, in my map I have two roads from sanpuku togegoya. I'm a bit confused with this so I keep looking at the Internet for information.

I appreciate any information you can share.

Edgardo M.

Aug 11, 2013
There's nothing wrong with just hanging out at the bus stop.
by: Gary Wolff

Thx for your kind words, Edgardo! Yes, I've done my fair share of
waiting around Kofu Station, but have never 'stayed.' :-)

You didn't say when you're traveling, but until 8/18, there's daily
bus service from Kofu to Hirogawara @ 4:20 am:

If you're on a tight budget and can catch a later train to Kofu, it
seems you can arrive as late as 0:40 am:

That way you'd only have a 3-hr wait, but if that doesn't work, I'm
guessing you might find a capsule hotel somewhere near the station for
pretty cheap. The one I stayed in in Shizuoka City en route to
climbing Mt. Akaishi/Mt. Warusawa was pretty cool & very reasonably priced.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with just hanging out at the bus
stop. That way, you'll be first in line & sure to get on the bus. :-)

Hope this helps. Have a great climb...


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