Some American People I Know
by Steffie
I have never been to America even once in my life up until now. But I have relatives who live there. Indonesian people who study in America and end up working and living their lives with spouse and kids there. I'm not sure if I can call them American citizens, but they do have green cards.
So one day, at the wedding of my relative, I met them and talked a few things with them. I didn't actually ask a lot of things such as what's going on now in America, but I did kind of observe their behavior, especially their kids'.
So I found out that growing up in America makes the kids and people there become much braver than kids in Indonesia usually are. Towards their parents, they can hug and kiss to express love, which is rarely done in Indonesia.
I do not know what kind of environment and education that the kids have in America, but I just think that even they are basically Indonesian people, their behaviors somehow change due to their surroundings.
So this is just a little story of America that I know. Hope you enjoy. Thank you.
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