Sunset from Munatsuki-sanso
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Sunset from Munatsuki-sanso

by Quintin

Hi Gary, just stumbled on your site and is great! Just wondering do you think it's possible to take the Fujinomiya trail and check in at Munatsuki Sanso, then watch the sunset, sleep, and then go back up to watch sunrise? (or check in after sunset)


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Aug 06, 2014
Yes, I'm just slow! :-)
by: Gary Wolff

Quintin, the little flyer (in English) they gave me @ the Fujinomiya 5th Station trailhead says 260 min. ascending hiking time (not counting rests) to the Fujikan summit mountain hut.

But yes, I took LOTS of breaks, as I'm an aging slowpoke. :-)

Good luck with your climb...


Aug 06, 2014
Did you take many sporadic breaks?
by: Quintin

Thank you for your email and link Gary.

I noticed in your writeup of the Aug 2012 trip you left the 5th station after 9am and arrived 4pm at the Fujikan summit hut, did you take many sporadic breaks in between, since I think I read somewhere that it takes 5 hours?

many thanks


Aug 02, 2014
Sounds good
by: Gary Wolff

Quintin, I'm not sure if sunsets are viewable from Munatsuki-sanso (maybe other visitors to this page might know), but because of the Fujinomiya trail's southerly exposure, I assume sunsets are viewable from most places along the trail.

[Alternatively, you might try phoning (or skyping) the hut directly and pose the question. Usually there's at least 1 person at the huts who speaks 'some' limited English -- 090-7300-2237 or 0544-22-6438 (drop the leading "0" (zero) when calling from overseas)]

And since the 9.5th Station Munatsuki-sanso (elev. 3590m) is less than an hour's climb from the summit, your plan sounds reasonable to me.

Checking in after sunset would probably be ok, provided you're not planning to eat dinner there, and that it's not TOO long after sunset, since "lights out" in mountain huts is generally quite early, say around 7 pm.

If you need more info on the Fujinomiya Trail, here's the write-up of my Aug. 2012 trip:

Best wishes...


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