Switzerland is Chocolate Country!
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Switzerland is Chocolate Country!

by Shiomi

Toblerone Swiss chocolate

Toblerone Swiss chocolate

Switzerland is famous for chocolate. When I go abroad, I buy many chocolates at a duty-free shop. But I feel they are a little more expensive than other chocolates. Why? There are three reasons that I studied and thought about.

Switzerland has its own chocolate history. When many countries in Europe invaded Latin America at once, cacao was introduced in Europe. After some centuries, cacao was brought through Spain, France, etc. At last, it came to Switzerland. This is the first reason.

Secondly, Switzerland has a favorable environment for making chocolate. There is abundant nature, and it made many chocolate factories.

Thirdly, chocolate has been regarded as a high-grade product for many years in Switzerland. Therefore, chocolate companies did business with rich people who bought and spread chocolates.

Also, there is a chocolate association that maintains the brand and quality of Switzerland's chocolate. So, this is why Switzerland's chocolate is a little expensive, I thought.

Today, we can buy chocolate cheaply in Japan. However, making chocolates took a lot of time and effort in ancient times. In addition, I can say this about today, too.

Then I thought, the chocolate association in Switzerland wants to protect the worker's efforts in the chocolate factory. So, we must be reminded of their efforts when we eat chocolates and other Swiss foods.

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