The bath situation of Russia
by Riko
A sauna in Russia
Do you like to take a bath? Even if we are Japanese, there are different ways of how to take a bath. Which do you choose: going into bathtub or only using a shower? Now, I would like to talk about the bath situation of Russia. Of course, in Japan, there are few houses which have their own sauna. But, I heard that homes in Russia have their own sauna!
This type of sauna is called like firewood sauna. The point is firewood. Russia is rich in nature, I think. Incidentally, the origin of the word 'sauna' comes from Finland.
The method of bathing is washing your body in the bathtub with soap. And after taking your bath, you have to put in new water for the next person.
I thought the difference of culture is interesting. If you don't understand other person's culture, you can't communicate with them. So, I always want to have interests in others.