The Most Powerful Country in the World
by Zhang Zhuoliang
(Chofu City, Tokyo, Japan)
The United Kingdom consists of England, Scotland, Wales and North Ireland. She was the most powerful country in the world in the 18th century. Even now, it is one of the most powerful countries on earth.
Because of the industrial revolution, the U.K. gradually became a powerful country in the 18th century. In order to get more raw materials, U.K. began to establish colonies on many continents. India, Australia, New Zealand, America, & H.K. were all once its colonies.
At that time, there were colonies of the U.K on every continent except Antarctica. Due to so many colonies, the U.K. was called the "Empire without sunset." It proved its power. As its colonies grew more and more, a great number of people started to speak English. This directly made English become the world's language.
In the 20th century, even though many of its colonies became independent countries and the U.K. was not the most powerful country in the world any longer, it has played and will continue to play a vital role in the world.
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