The National Emblem of Saudi Arabia
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The National Emblem of Saudi Arabia

by Shiomi

Mention of the name of Saudi Arabia makes me think of Mecca, the petroleum, and the palm tree. Especially the palm tree, because it is the national emblem of Saudi Arabia.

On the emblem, there is one palm tree and two swords which are crossing each other. Crossing swords mean power and patience. The palm tree means vitality, growth, and prosperity.

Then, I thought “power and patience” will call up “vitality, growth, and prosperity.” I was startled by this meaning.

I have started my job hunting recently, and I have been hasty because I had heard that job hunting wears students out so much.

They have to do a lot of things to sell themselves, for example, going to seminars or internships that companies hold in parallel with their university classes.

However, I am always told, “Have your power and patience!” So it was an amazing thing for me.

These words will bring a good future, like “vitality, growth, and prosperity.” Now, I will keep this in mind whenever I feel tired.

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May 10, 2013
Saudi Emblem
by: LarryM

I was in Saudi Arabia in 1963 on a special mission with the United States Air Force. One of several items I received was a patch that I was allowed to wear on my Air Force work uniform. The patch, which I still have, is the Saudi emblem with the palm tree and 2 swords crossing. However, on my patch, the swords are pointing up. In all my searches on the web, the swords are pointing down. Do you have any information regarding the patch with the swords pointing up?

Sep 22, 2012
by: Zilal

I think this is one of the most insightful posts about the Saudi emblem and i am Saudi! i've always thought the two swords mean power and courage while the date/palm tree means generosity and hospitality. i love your view though. :) best wishes on the job hunt and good luck!

Feb 20, 2012
emlem explanation
by: pinaaz hode

very nice, shiomi. i liked you have explained it. keep it up.

Oct 09, 2010
“Power and patience” will call up “vitality, growth, and prosperity”
by: Gary Wolff

Excellent submission, Shiomi !

I think that is a great way of looking at life and keeping your balance during the very hectic job interview season of your university days.

I still recall job interviewing in my college days, and it was quite stressful & time-consuming to keep up with all the resume writing, letter writing, visiting the job placement center on campus, and of course the interviews.....on top of trying to keep up with my classes as well.

Thanks again, Shiomi, for your very inspirational story and best wishes with your job hunting...


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