The Tomorrow Series
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The Tomorrow Series

by Saki U.

The Australian

The Australian "Tomorrow" book series

One of my favorite books is the Tomorrow series written in 1993 by John Marsden, who is an Australian writer. The translations of those were published in 2006 in Japan. These novels are for teenagers. I read those when I was a high school student, and really sympathized with the main characters who were almost the same age as me.

The scene of this story is in the countryside of Australia in summer. The main characters are 8 high school students. After they come back from camping on the mountain, something was strange. Then, they realize a war has broken out! They hide from hostile troops, try to find their family and friends, and fight against the invaders.

I was so excited reading the stories, because they were almost the same age as me, but suddenly were involved in a war, and lost some friends. I can't believe that! I know it's just fiction, but I thought what if I were one of them?

Wars and conflicts happen all over the world, and children and young people are actually involved in them. But people who live in Japan, Australia, and some other peaceful countries cannot really get the facts. They don't understand it is possible for a war to break out in their countries, too. Of course, I hope it never happens.

This series became popular among Australian teenagers. I think it is because they sympathized with the main characters like I did. I don't know how popular this series is in Japan. But I want Japanese teenagers to read these, and to think more about the importance of peace.

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Jun 26, 2011
The Australian "Tomorrow" book series
by: Gary Wolff

What a great story, Saki !

I had a similar experience reading "The Hardy Boys" mystery book series when I was in jr. high school. Frank and Joe Hardy were fictional teenage brothers who were like amateur detectives.

I still vividly remember how EXCITED I was to read those books, specifically written for teenagers.

Thanks again for educating us about the "Tomorrow" series...

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