Home: The View
from the Top of Japan
The View from the Top of Japan:
My 2-decade-long quest to scale
the nation's 25 highest peaks
Mar. 15, 2017 update:
For the first time in the over 4 years since the paperback version of
this book was first published, it is now finally available for sale at
Amazon Japan. Yay! Because of the minimum production cost for printing
a ~100-page color paperback, though, I was unable to reduce its list
price, but in celebration of it finally making it to Japan, I decided
to permanently reduce the price of the eBook version to just $2.99.
The View from the Top of
Japan book is hot off the press. I've been
toying with the idea for at least 9 years,
but in early Sept. 2012 I finally got a (round tuit). 
Japan has some of the most spectacular peaks anywhere on the planet and
so it’s only natural that visitors to the country are immediately drawn
to peaks like the iconic Mt. Fuji, the most visited mountain in the
world; the many beautiful peaks of the Northern, Central, and
Southern Japan Alps; as well as the 100 Famous Japanese Mountains
spread throughout the Japanese archipelago.
Being a lifelong climber, the attraction for Japan’s breathtaking
mountains was immediate for me, and so within only 4 short
months of arriving in Japan a quarter-century ago, I was standing atop
Fuji-san, the nation’s highest peak.
After becoming firmly hooked on
the exhilarating 360-degree panoramas afforded by Japan’s alpine
country, over the course of the next 2 decades I managed to climb
all of the 29 highest mountains in Japan and 38 of the tallest 50.
To the greatest extent possible, in this book I've
tried to share intimate details of my love affair with Japan’s highest
mountains including pics, trail descriptions, and other useful
info based upon my 2-decade-long climbing experience in Japan.
Not a
hiking guide per se, The View from
the Top of Japan will nonetheless
whet your appetite to the point that you’ll want to hit the Japanese
mountain trails immediately!
Get Your Copy Today!
Kindle Price: $2.99, includes free wireless delivery
File Size: 3933 KB Equivalent print length: 128 pages
Published: Sept. 9, 2012
Order your The View from the Top of
Japan Amazon Kindle eBook version here.

(If like me, you do not own a
Kindle, you can download here the free Kindle reading app for your
smartphone, PC, or tablet. You can also "Look inside" or
download (sample) the 1st chapter for free at the eBook links above.)
Nov. 2, 2012 update:
My eBook is now available from Amazon
今すぐKindleで『The View from the Top of
Gary J. Wolff (著)
Kindle 価格: ¥343
紙の本の長さ: 128 ページ (推定)
言語 英語
無料サンプル: 冒頭部分を試し読みできます

Order your Amazon Japan eBook version here.
Price: $16.99 (fluctuates based on market conditions)
Color paperback: 126 pages
Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches (15.24 x 22.86 cm)
Shipping weight: 8.8 ounces
Published: Nov. 18, 2012
Order your The View from the Top of
Japan Amazon color paperback
version here.

(Note: Both eBook and paperback versions are available at Amazon
stores in other countries as well, including Canada,
UK, France, Germany,
Italy, Spain, Brazil, India, and Mexico.)
My mountain climbing eBook is also available in 9 different formats
from Smashwords, the world's largest distributor of indie eBooks.
Smashwords distributes books to most of the major retailers, including
the Apple iBookstore, Barnes & Noble, Rakuten Kobo, Oyster, and
Scribd, and offers a catalog of over 100,000 vetted,
well-formatted eBooks from over 45,000 authors and publishers.
The eBooks on Smashwords can be read online using their online readers,
or they can be downloaded to other e-reading devices such as the
iPad, iPod Touch, Amazon Kindle, Sony Reader, Barnes & Noble
Nook, Kobo, or most e-reading apps including Stanza, Aldiko, and
Adobe Digital Editions.
Smashwords also offers generous sampling options so readers can try
before they buy. Read online or download instantly to your
e-reading device in any of the 9 different formats.
Smashwords price: $2.99
Words: 21,600 (approximate)
Published: Sept. 24, 2012
Order your The View from the Top of
Japan Smashwords eBook version here (sample the first 20% for free!).

This book is available for download on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
with iBooks and on your computer with iTunes. Books must be read on an
iOS device.
Apple iBook price:
Available on iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
Published: Sept. 24, 2012
Order your The View from the Top of
Japan Apple iBook version here.

What People Are Saying...
my temporary hiatus from all things mountain, it's been great to live
vicariously through your accounts. And to have the honor of being
quoted, too!
I especially liked the Happonba-no-koru section - it's not often that
you see photos from that route. They made me question (and not for the
first time) what on earth I was doing up there in winter that time...."
—Chris, Singapore
"I just wanted to let you know that I have been thoroughly
enjoying your
book. I particularly like your musings about all that you encounter
the way: those that you climb with, those that you meet along the way,
unique views and scenery, the conditions of facilities, and
the way you cleverly weave Coca-Cola Zero into the stories. I commend you for the great effort you
have made to compile all this information into a handy resource.
Writing a book is a challenge that many people contemplate, but you
deserve special praise for, first, accomplishing something worthy of a
book, and second, demonstrating the perseverance needed over the years
to document, compile, organize, and construct a work that others can
make use of. I still haven't finished, but it has been a delight so
—Michael, Tokyo, Japan
"That's awesome - Congratulations, Gary! I now own it!!! Going to print
it in colour, bind it, and put it on the coffee table. :)"
—Derek, Melbourne, Australia
"REALLY enjoying your book, Gary. I just downloaded it today, and I've
just now finished the Mt. Fuji chapter. Thank you for sharing your
passion for mountain climbing. This is going to be a very special
—Bruce, Mesa, Arizona
"Great, Gary. Now it looks like you will be climbing an even steeper
mountain — publishing. Good luck. Bought it and looking forward to it
on my iPad."
—Chuck, Tokyo, Japan
"Great stuff, Gary, congrats. I just bought the Kindle version."
—Arka, Tokyo, Japan
"It starts off very good, Gary: 'Let's be frank....' That's easy for
me. I downloaded it to my laptop."
—Frank, San Antonio, Texas
"Fantastic, Gary! Congrats....let me grab one and help U to sell it
—Ditas, Tokyo, Japan
"For you climbers out there. Gary has been doing this for years, highly
Naples, Florida
"Wow. this is ALL so impressive. Not only a really great Texan,
but he managed to scale all of Japan's 25 highest peaks. Well done,
Tsukuba, Japan
"That's absolutely awesome. I am envious. Great job!!"
—Eric, Tokyo, Japan
"Congratulations, Gary! On the climbs AND the book!"
—Cindy, Tokyo, Japan
"Congratulations, Gary! I don’t have i-gadgets. But when I have one, I
will buy one. :) I like the subtitle."
—Nozomi, Tokyo, Japan
"Go for it, Gary! I'll climb vicariously through you."
—Sam, Bryan, Texas
"This is my cousin Gary J. Wolff. I can't wait to read his book!! I'm
sure it will do well!!!"
—Tish, Belgrade Lakes, Maine
"Hope many people will buy it, Gary!!! We are living in modern times
with hopefully enough modern people buying your book. Interesting
topic, I think."
—Berndt, Tokyo, Japan
"Congratulations! That's quite an accomplishment."
—Donald, Kawasaki, Japan
"So happy for you! Way to go!"
—Beverly, Austin, Texas
About the author:
Gary Joe Wolff is a Tokyo-based corporate communications consultant,
university professor, and all-round nice guy. From Houston, Texas, USA, Gary earned a
master's degree in civil engineering from the University of Texas and
worked 12 years as a registered professional transportation engineer
before moving to Tokyo in 1991.
Since then he's been a specialist in intercultural corporate training
for Japanese engineers and managers in preparation for their overseas
assignments, and has taught at over 80 different companies, schools,
and agencies.
Also, for the past 20 years he has been a professor of Science
English, Spoken English, and TOEFL/TOEIC Test preparatory classes for
electrical engineering, computer science, and agriculture majors in
the School of Science and Technology at one of Japan's oldest and most
prestigious private universities.
Since his Boy
Scout days, Gary has been passionate about the great outdoors, and
so in his free time, he tries to get up into the spectacular Japan Alps
as often as possible. Since arriving in Japan, he has scaled all of
the highest 29 peaks in Japan and 38 of the tallest 50.
Although Gary has published a number of technical and academic papers
during his engineering and teaching careers, The View from the Top
Japan is his 1st venture into book publishing.
In 2013, he published his 2nd book on Japanese mountain climbing, Climbing Mt. Fuji: Tips, Q&A, and
Climber Stories.
He has found living in Japan to be a truly fascinating and rewarding
cultural experience, and claims to have at least 3 or 4 more books on
his mind. Stay tuned to Gary's latest updates from Japan on this site's
blog page!
Order Your Copy Now!
Click here to
order your The View from the Top of
Japan Amazon Kindle eBook version.

Click here to
order your The View from the Top of
Japan Amazon color paperback

Click here to order your The View from the Top of
Japan Smashwords eBook Version.

Click here to order your The View from the Top of
Japan Apple iBook version.

Also now available at these
online booksellers:

Barnes & Noble Nook books

Rakuten Kobo eBooks
Mar 23, 25 09:54 PM Listing of Mt. Fuji Yoshida Trail mountain huts, including website URLs, phone numbers, elevations, and sleeping capacities, as well as links to the Fujinomiya trail hut sites. Read more
Mar 11, 25 10:20 PM Common rules for all 4 Mt. Fuji trails for the 2025 climbing season have been announced: * For those without mountain hut reservations, entry will be restricted from 2 p.m. - 3 a.m. during this time… Read more
Mar 06, 25 01:52 AM Cherry blossoms can be viewed virtually everywhere in Japan, but the secret of catching them at full bloom is surfing the cherry blossom front, as it progresses from southwest to northeast across the… Read more
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