The Wales flag
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The Wales flag

by Ami Komo
(Suginami, Tokyo)

We have already written about England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. So this time is going to be the last time to write about the United Kingdom!!! Actually I got relief. :) Because I had perceived the United Kingdom as just the United Kingdom (we call "Igirisu") and never thought about each of the four countries until this online project.

I have only an impression of the United Kingdom and don't have any impression of each of the countries. So, to be honest with you, it was difficult to think about each country.

But I can imagine that Wales must have a lot of nature and sheep from the video we saw in class. When it comes to Wales, I know only their flag.

It is very noticeable. It has a green and white background and a red dragon on it. The dragon seems very curious. That's why I know this flag. This dragon is said to have a relationship with the story about the foundation of Wales. It defeated a black dragon and brought peace and Wales was founded.

I could learn their history from their flag. All of the things around us could be good material to learn!!!

Finally, we could go to all of the countries in the UK! We must be professors about UK!!!

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Oct 09, 2011
The United Kingdom is just the United Kingdom
by: Gary Wolff

Ami, I'm so happy you have found our online project useful in learning more about the UK.

Yes, let's learn more about the things around us so we can all be "professors about life." :-)

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