Traditional food of New Zealand
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Traditional food of New Zealand

by Hitomi Kaku
(Musashino, Tokyo)

Cooking hangi in New Zealand

Cooking hangi in New Zealand

Do you know the traditional dish of New Zealand? I know only one food which is named “hangi.”

When I was an elementary school student, my Assistant Language Teacher who came from New Zealand told that to us. He said “It tastes very good!” So I’ll show you how to make it.

First, dig a big hole in the ground. After doing that, put some hot stones and so many foods. They use chicken, pork, beef, cabbage, potatoes, etc. The seasoning is only salt.

That’s all! It’s easy, isn’t it?

There is an interesting rule. Women can’t go near the hole. Only men can cook it. However women must prepare foods.

Let’s taste it when you go to New Zealand!

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Jan 01, 2017
Another Traditional Food From New Zealand
by: Zeta Martin

Hiya! My name is Zeta, and I'm a New Zealander who is currently studying Japan and its wonderful culture!
I'm here to tell everybody about New Zealand's wonderful food. My family prepares not only Hangis for visitors and special gatherings, but also steam puddings. To be honest I've never had one before, but I've watched my grandmother prepare one.
It's simple: you need flour, brown sugar, and sultanas (we usually use sultanas). I cannot quite remember the rest of the ingredients needed but I know how to form it!!
You must knead through the mixture of ingredients to create a heavy sort of sludgy dough. Then my grandmother prepares to shape it into a large cake, or rather a very thick pizza base. She then steams it (hence the name) in a steam cooker, and viola! Leaves it to rest and we have steam pudding.
We've always made it for gatherings and for family members. She has it with custard, and I guess I'll never know the full recipe anyway, it's my great grandmother's secret.
But it looks good, and I hope you get to try it!

Jan 07, 2014
why woman cant go by the hangi pit
by: te mamai

The woman cant go by it because its unsafe for woman and children....
they could get hurt, and the men in maori culture are the protectors of the tribe, so they do all the things that could endanger the woman and children, to keep them safe

May 06, 2013
Nice Cooking!
by: Kohei Watanabe

This cooking method is wonderful!

I had never known about hangi until read your report, but I suppose the food cook by hangi is so delicious. Because the food may receive the gift from the land!

May 06, 2013
I want to eat it!
by: Yui Fujisawa

Speaking of New Zealand foods,I have imagined fish and chips,meat pie,...and so on. I heard the name of "hangi" for the first time!

I want to know the reason why women cannot cook it. Because it is dangerous for women to do? ... very strange!

If I go to New Zealand,I want to eat hangi!

Thank you for letting me know it.(^^)

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