University of Cambridge
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University of Cambridge

by Shiomi T.
(Tokyo )

"It was just like Alice In Wonderland or Harry Potter's world! You had better go to the University of Cambridge someday." That is what my friend who had studied abroad in Cambridge, England said. Just looking at photographs, I could see it is very beautiful.

My department, the Department of Law, is holding an event called "Summer Law Study and Training." In my seminar, two persons are going to participate in it. It is such an envious thing for me!

Come to think of it, most Japanese universities don't have historic schoolhouses. It is said that Japan is very small country, so there is no space for great and historic schoolhouses. I agree with this, but England is a small country, too. What is the difference between the two countries?

In England, and another three countries, people consider the importance of old buildings, so people don't intend to break down old structures.

Nevertheless, in Japan, people tend to reform old buildings. I like new schoolhouses, like at our university. But I like older schoolhouses more than new ones. To tell the truth, I don't feel that I am NOW in a university when I use escalators.

Last time, I heard students speak about schoolhouses in the elevator. One man said "Japanese university schoolhouses will be towers like ours! Universities which are located in the suburbs of Tokyo will move to the center of the city. There is no more space." I think so, too.

But, I wanted to have lunch in the courtyard of a university like Cambridge! :[

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Aug 26, 2013
Buildings in England
by: Anonymous

In Japan you have big mountains that take up space and a lot of earthquakes. England has hardly any mountains and very little natural disasters like earthquakes. Older buildings tend to be quite fragile so they might fall down in an earthquake, but in England they don't have to worry so much.

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