Was the stamp I got on my walking stick at Mt. Fuji's summit shrine the "sunrise stamp"?
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Was the stamp I got on my walking stick at Mt. Fuji's summit shrine the "sunrise stamp"?

by Nick

Hi Gary,

First, I'd like to let you know that your site has been incredibly helpful and resourceful, so I appreciate the work you have done.​​ I studied abroad in Japan during summer 2015 and climbed Mt. Fuji at the end of my trip. I stayed overnight at the top to catch the sunrise (an incredible sight!) and got the stamp at the summit's shrine on my walking stick (which was stolen at a New York airport, never to be found...) before heading down.

I was a little confused about the sunrise stamp however. The stamp I received came with a wooden charm and to me it seemed that this stamp was just for summiting the mountain. Could you clarify if this was the sunrise stamp, or if there is another location to go to for that? I plan to return in a few years and will be hiking again.

Thanks for your help.


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Oct 23, 2016
Not sure, Nick.
by: Gary Wolff

Thanks, Nick.

I'm not sure how much help I can be as I'm not familiar with Mt. Fuji walking stick stamps, but you might want to post your question on this page about purchasing Mt. Fuji walking sticks outside of Japan, which recently has been one of the most popular pages on my site: Can I purchase a Mt. Fuji climbing stick outside of Japan?

Sorry I couldn't be of more help, but perhaps future visitors to this page may have an answer for you. Best wishes...


p.s. This page shows some Mt. Fuji walking sticks that have sold in years past: http://www.worthpoint.com/inventory/search?query=mt.+fuji+walking+stick

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