What date is the latest Mt. Fuji mountain huts stay open where I can get my walking stick stamped?
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What date is the latest Mt. Fuji mountain huts stay open where I can get my walking stick stamped?

by Abhi

I got 2 questions as I booked leave from work from 5th September 2023 until 18th October 2023

1. What date are the latest that mountain huts will you get stamps on stay open ?, The reason I ask this is that I visited a few years ago on the 24th of August

Now I’ve booked leave from the 5th of September but with the mountain hots for the stamps be open that time or do I need to visit earlier ?, If I need to visit earlier can someone tell me how much roughly earlier I need to be there for at the latest So I can change my life accordingly

2. Also I just wanna do Mount Fuji once as I’ve done it before on the Yoshida Trail, For example can I go up one Trail and gold down another tried to get two sets of stamps, For example go up the red trail but go down the blue trail

I appreciate 2023 nobody knows the dates but I would like some advance notice so I can stop changing my vacation time accordingly now as opposed to other people at work book those earlier dates for their own stuff

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Nov 29, 2022
Sept.10 for all 4 trails
by: Gary Wolff

​Abhi, since 2015 the main Yoshi​da trail has always open​ed​ on July 1 and the ​other ​​3 trails from ​Shizuoka Prefecture have always open​ed​ on July 10, with the exception of all 4 trails in 2020 being closed due to Covid and som​​etimes ​when ​a trail open​ed​ a little later ​because ​of ​some unusual weather event like late​-lingering snow or a typhoon. ​All ​4 trails close on September 10.

​​​​Opening/closing dates ​for the Mt. Fuji mountain huts ​​where you can get your Mount Fuji walking stick stamped​ ​v​ary by year​, but most ​of them​ are open until the end of the season. ​​Opening/closing dates​ for ​the ​2022 ​Mt. Fuji ​​climbing season are shown on this page:​ ​List of Mt. Fuji Mountain Huts​​

If you arrive on September 5, I think that’s cutting it a little close​ ​before the September 10 trail closing date, especially if some unusual weather event​ occurs then​. I would suggest booking your vacation a week or ​2 earlier.

​And there’s no problem going up one trail and going down another, and here is a good story by a gentleman who did just that:​ ​Hints from a Successful 2012 Summit via Gotemba Trail and a 2009 Fail via Subashiri Trail

Happy trails and thanks for ​your donation & for ​visiting my site…

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