What do you think about Saudi Arabia's religion?
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What do you think about Saudi Arabia's religion?

by Jun Kuzuya
(Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan)

Mecca, The Sacred Place For Muslims

Mecca, The Sacred Place For Muslims

I have some images of Saudi Arabia: for example, the petroleum, the religion, the strong national soccer team, and so on. Above all, I would like to share my opinion about the religion.

The religion of Saudi Arabia is Islam. And they say that Islam was derived from Saudi Arabia. The city of Mecca is known as the sacred city for Muslims and they have to go on a pilgrimage there. There are many Muslims all over the world today.

Though I am writing about religion, I am not a believer in any religions. And I think that religion isn't familiar for most Japanese. Though Japanese do some religious activities (for example, visiting family graves during the equinox holidays, Christmas, and so on), they don't tend to choose a specific religion.

When I knew some occurrences that are based on each religion, I felt strange.....for example, the conflict between Israel and Palestine. This conflict is a very serious problem and it's based on their religious differences.

As I wrote, when I knew this problem, I felt strange, because religious thoughts precede human rights in this problem. Many people are killed because of differences in their religion. I couldn't believe that. But I have an interest in studying about religions and theology.

So this is my opinion. If you are OK, please tell me your opinion about religion.

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Nov 20, 2013
Makkah has a secret
by: Anonymous

I am from Saudi Arabia. I stay in city far of Makkah. Makkah has a secret any Muslim in any place they always crave that visit again. I really love it

Mar 02, 2012
Good idea
by: Saudian student

I think that the best way to understand the other is by talking to him directly and think as he thinks, so we can understand his view because if we judge the behaviors of the people who are different from us definetly we will look for the negatives, and this is the human nature. I learn this during my visit to U.S because it is a country which contains many different religions and believe, so it is a good idea to discuss our different views.

Aug 19, 2011
islam is not what you think it to be
by: Muslim Girl

Peace Be Upon You

what you wrote was nice and lovely to read
but I would like to clearify a very important point
in Islam, we don't force people to enter it at all
and this is written in Qur'an
this is the very verse that forbids it : " There's no compulsion in religion, for the right from the wrong had been clearified"
but if we were ever fought or wronged then we definitely have to fight back and commit Jihad which is fighting for the sake of Allah and Islam

by the way, I know many things about Japanese culture and I love it and love to learn more about it and .. hope to visit Japan once....

thank you,


Oct 10, 2010
Saudi Arabia's religion
by: Gary Wolff

Thanks, Jun, for your very thoughtful discussion on Saudi Arabia's religion.

Yes, I agree that it is very sad that people all over the world lose their lives over religion. We live in a very imperfect world.

I think practicing one's religion is ok, unless believers in one religion demand that others follow THEIR religion. In America, we supposedly have freedom of religion, but the system doesn't always work perfectly.

I believe our world needs more patience, understanding, & sensitivity to our differences so we can all get along better.

Thanks so much, Jun, for sharing your very insightful views...


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