What kind of food can we expect at Mt. Fuji mountain huts?
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What kind of food can we expect at Mt. Fuji mountain huts?

by Wilma Brosas


We already made our reservation for Tomoekan 8th station on the 5th of July taking the Yoshida trail.

Is it advisable to place our reservation without meals? The fee per meal is 1000 yen and we cannot gauge at this point whether we should get 1 or 2 meals or even just buy when we get there. Originally we planned a 1 meal dinner, but we want to get a better idea from those that have completed the climb if it's better to prepay food or just decide when you get there.

Also generally how much and what kind of food can we expect if we do decide to buy from mountain huts?

Can anyone also recommend any food essential worth carrying with us?

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May 22, 2015
How about some curry rice for dinner?
by: Gary Wolff

Thanks, Wilma.

Normally, reservations for meals take place at the same time you make the hut reservation. Because hut owners need to make advance arrangements for the number of meals they need to prepare on any given day, waiting till you arrive to order meals means they may not be able to serve you.

A standard dinner at many Japanese mountain huts is curry rice, and breakfast is usually a take-out Japanese lunch box with various ingredients.

I found pictures of typical meals at the Mt. Fuji Tomoekan mountain hut on their website:

As for essential food, you'll need what is required for any mountain hike, including lots of easy-to-carry, high-calorie, quick-energy snacks like sweets, nuts, and fruits, as well as supplements and electrolyte sports drinks to replace minerals lost thru sweat.

And on Fujisan, you'll need LOTS of water, especially for the downhill trails where there are very few huts.

Best wishes...

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