What’s th​​e email address for submitting the required off-season Mt. Fuji climbing form?
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What’s th​​e email address for submitting the required off-season Mt. Fuji climbing form?

by Arshile

Hi Gary!

I've really enjoyed reading over your website and getting to learn more about you and your adventures in Japan.

My wife and I are visiting Japan for our honeymoon, arriving the 23rd of May and leaving the 23rd of June. On the 21st, we plan to climb Mt. Fuji. We're still deciding whether my wife will join, as the hike isn't to be underestimated. That being said, I will absolutely be undertaking the hike, with the intention of reaching the summit for sunrise.

I've read that a permit is required for off-season expeditions. I've found the PDF, but want to make sure I fill it out correctly and submit it properly. I noticed that you mentioned on your website that it could be submitted via email, but I'm not finding an email to send it to. It seems fax or mail are the suggested options. I'd prefer an email solution, so if there's one you know of, please share!

Otherwise, how would you suggest dealing with equipment rentals?

Essentially, I'm trying to make a checklist of things I need to do in order to successfully get the permit to climb during the off season (June 21st), and organize the trip.

Thank you for your help and insights!


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May 04, 2023
Thanks for your prompt reply.
by: Arshile

Dear Gary,

WOW!!! What a helpful and expedient reply!

I missed the email the first time, thank you for drawing my attention to it. That’ll make things easier.

Thank you as well for the link to your other page - I’ve found planning for Japan tricky without the basics of the language, which makes your site all the more helpful.

We absolutely want to maintain the natural beauty of the mountain while respecting its sacredness. Will educate myself on portable toilets.

Thanks again, Gary!


May 02, 2023
It's at the bottom of the Mt. Fuji climbing form.
by: Gary Wolff

Howdy, Arshile. Thanks for your kind words.

If you are planning to climb up Mt. Fuji's main Yoshida Trail, there is an email address indicated at the bottom of this Mt. Fuji Climbing Form.

...which is linked from this section of my Climbing Mount Fuji FAQ page: When is Mt. Fuji's official climbing season?

And if you haven’t seen it yet, I would also encourage you to read the "Three Rules for Off-Season Climbers of Mount Fuji" (also linked from the page above), especially as it pertains to the need for a portable toilet.

As a World Heritage Site and the most sacred of Japan’s 3 most holy mountains, I’m sure you wouldn’t want to pollute beautiful Fujisan. :-)

As for equipment rentals, perhaps some of the links in this section of my Climbing Mount Fuji FAQ Page 2 will assist you: Are there places around Tokyo to rent/buy gear (i.e. hiking boots, warm jackets, headlamps) when climbing Mt. Fuji?

Happy honeymoon and thanks for visiting my site...

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