What's the price of tickets needed to get to Shin-Fuji Station or Fujinomiya Station?
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What's the price of tickets needed to get to Shin-Fuji Station or Fujinomiya Station?

by Adriel

Hey Gary,

I'm looking to climb up Fuji, chose the Fujinomiya route, after reading about your experience. I was confused about the tickets/price needed to get to Shin-Fuji Station or Fujinomiya Station.

This site indicates Y4500 but doesnt really tell me where to buy the ticket from or if i need to book it?

But then I was using this ticket calculator, and got Y31,140!

I dont know if im doing something wrong with the second one, or if ive missed something. Is it just because if you don't use a pass, single tickets are very expensive?

How did you get to fuji when you walked Fujinomiya? What were the costs?

Many thanks

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Jul 25, 2016
2,570 yen (1-way) from Tokyo to Fujinomiya Station
by: Gary Wolff

Adriel, in Aug. 2012 I spent an arm and a leg getting to and from Fujinomiya Station from Tokyo (over 12,000 yen) via shinkansen to Numazu and then train to Fujinomiya Station.

And it wasn't until AFTER my trip (duh!) that I found out about the much cheaper direct bus service from Tokyo to both Shin-Fuji Station and Fujinomiya Station.

Until last year it was offered by JR Kanto Bus company, but this year it seems to be run by the Fujikyu Group.

According to this webpage (http://www.shizuokabus.co.jp/foreigner/en/express/fujifujinomiya.html, the round-trip fare from Tokyo Station to Fujinomiya Station will cost you 4,840 yen.

More info on bus service to the Fujinomiya trail can be found on these pages as well:
- http://www.shizuokabus.co.jp/foreigner/en/index.html (this page links to the page above)
- http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e6930.html#section_getThere

But to be honest, I simply don't have time anymore to stay abreast of the latest transport options and their costs, so I would highly recommend that for the latest & most accurate information that you contact the Tokyo Tourist Info Center (TIC):

+81 3 3201 3331 (in Japan: 03 3201 3331)
Daily from 9:00 to 17:00

Happy trails & have a great climb...


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