What's the slope of the Mt. Fuji Subashiri trail?
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What's the slope of the Mt. Fuji Subashiri trail?

I wanna know the slope of the Mt. Fuji Subashiri trail because I heard it has the least steep slope.


Reply: You've asked a great question, and according to my calculations, the % grade of Mt. Fuji's Subashiri trail is 26.1%.

That compares to 21.6% for the Kawaguchiko trail, 29.9% for the Gotemba trail, and 27.5% for the Fujinomiya trail.

And according to mtfujiguide.com, the estimated hiking time for the Kawaguchiko trail (the least steep slope) is 5 hrs., which is 10 min. less than for the Subashiri trail.

Since initially receiving your inquiry, I've since put this Mt. Fuji trail steepness info along with trail hiking distances & hiking times on my Climbing Mt. Fuji FAQ page here: https://www.garyjwolff.com/climbing-mt-fuji.html#31

Thanks for your inquiry.

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Feb 13, 2012
Wonderful site. Thank you.
by: Jill

I'm wondering where I could find out the approximate walking distance to the summit of Mt. Fuji, counting the switchbacks, from one or more of the 5th stations.




Hi Jill,

Thanks for jogging my memory that I recently acquired new info to add to that page.

Hopefully this will answer your question:

Thanks for writing...


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