When the zombie apocalypse strikes...
by Hendrik Leibrandt
And that they do, if there is no new zombie film (not movie) in cinema (not theater).
The police, your friend and helper.
... it will hit England first, but the people will be prepared since by far the most zombie films come from here. In fact, a lot of horror films of all kinds are made in England and the people seem to love them.
I had been there for a student exchange a long time ago, but I remember that the mother in my host-family liked these a lot.
Another thing that England is famous for is their special type of humor, often referred to as "black humor." There are no taboos and they parody everything, and while you have get used to this, I really like this.
A thing England is infamous for is their food. Last week I met someone from my lab who had a friend with him who had recently returned from a conference there. He said the food was horrible and while I don't remember it as that bad, one thing that stuck into my mind was the breakfast with my host family: Roasted Sausage, Ham, fried eggs, and French fries (with vinegar).
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