When will Mt. Fuji's trails open this summer?
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When will Mt. Fuji's trails open this summer?

by Richard

Hi Gary. I wrote you last summer about my Mt. Fuji experience, and I am thinking about climbing again this year. Do you know where I can find information on when the trails will open this summer? Is anyone worried about another earthquake in the vicinity?

We may move to Japan in a year or two, assuming I can swing an early retirement. Maybe then I will be able to try some of the 25 other peaks.

I hope all is well with you, and thanks very much!



Hi Richard ! Great to hear from you.

Climbing season generally begins around July 1st. Some of the best info is linked from my Climbing Mt. Fuji FAQ page. You might enjoy the short video of Mt. Fuji I shot from a plane 2 weeks ago.

Quakes are a natural part of life in Japan, and even experienced seismologists don't have a clue what the future will bring. :-) On this quake page, you can see the 15-20 quakes that occur somewhere in Japan every day (click quake locations on right side, listed by date & time, to view maps of epicenters & intensities).

This summer should be a good time to climb Mt. Fuji, as most tourists will probably stay away and so maybe it won't be so crowded. You & your daughter should have no problem, and the local economy will very much appreciate your tourist dollars. :-)

Be well and best wishes...

July 8, 2011

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Mar 12, 2015
From around early June
by: Gary Wolff

Hal, I'm not sure whether you already saw this chart on my Mt. Fuji page which shows the dates for when the 3 Shizuoka Prefecture routes opened all the way to the Mt. Fuji summit over the past 7 years, but the 1st week of July for the Fujinomiya route might be cutting it a bit close.

As I recall, Shizuoka Prefecture begins posting the projected opening dates for their 3 Mt. Fuji trails from around early June here: http://www.pref.shizuoka.jp/kensetsu/ke-230/mt_fuji_road.html (Google Translate does a fairly good job of translating from Japanese.)

But I'll be posting the same info at the top of my Mt. Fuji page when it becomes available, so you could stay tuned there as well.

Btw, I climbed the Fujinomiya route in Aug. 2012. It was a great trip, if you discount getting a very severe case of altitude sickness (the first ever in my lifetime) and breaking my digicame after having my pic taken atop Kengamine, Mt. Fuji (and Japan's) actual 3776 m highpoint. :-) More details on that trip here: Climbing Mt. Fuji's Fujinomiya Trail

Best wishes to you...

Mar 12, 2015
When are the trail openings announced?
by: Hal Weaver

Hello- I have the same concern. I'm hoping to hike the Fujinomiya Route the first week of July this year (2015). Based on last year's late opening time for that trail, should I make other plans? Also, when are the trail openings announced and where do I find that?

Thank you.

Hal Weaver

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