Your Climbing Mt. Fuji FAQ page is excellent
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Your Climbing Mt. Fuji FAQ page is excellent

by John

Hello Gary. This is John. Thank you so much for your kind comments on my Fuji video and thanks for putting on your site! I feel honored! Your Fuji FAQ page is excellent and I'll be using it when I'm thinking about my next climb up Fuji.

It seems that you only made the one trip up Fuji, soon after you arrived in Japan - did you never want to try again? I know the old saying about climbing twice... but.... I think I've been in Japan about as long as you and climbing Fuji became a kind of summer habit for me... well, until I got married and the children arrived. But every couple of years I feel the pull of the old mountain.

I'm curious about why you liked my video - as you mentioned there are a lot of Climbing Fuji videos on YouTube. After my recent climb the obvious point occurred to me that it would probably be better to climb during the day, in daylight, if I was going to film it. Maybe next year.

Thanks again.


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Jul 09, 2011
"Climbing Mt. Fuji" video
by: Gary

What a nice surprise, John ! Thanks so much for your kind words.

I discovered your video thru a Google Alert I have set for "climbing Mt. Fuji." I do quite a bit of video myself....albeit very amateurish....but fun nonetheless on my cheap shirt-pocket digicame:

So I feel I have at least an average ability to recognize quality. One of the most frustrating things about YouTube is that it's full of crap. :-)

I was immediately attracted to your video because of the nice BGM, stunning scenery (sunrise), the professional documentary aspect of it, all the captions, footage of all the huts & souvenir shopping, the postman emptying out the mailbox, even the 500-yen prices for the vending machine bottled water. Very well done overall & very impressive.

I knew immediately it was worthy of being embedded on my webpage. And I wanted to give you more proper credit by mentioning your name, but couldn't find it on your YouTube channel (maybe it's a secret). :-)

Thanks for being in touch, John, and enjoy the rest of your summer !


p.s. Another amusing part of your video was the guy who was waving around what appeared to be a national flag. I actually went to Wikipedia, but never could figure out what country it was.....perhaps NOT a country flag. :-)

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